Payment Method Type

To view your vendors payment method:

  • Please log into Viewpost at
  • Click on the Network Tab
  • To view a list of all vendors and their payment type please click on 'Export To CSV' and filter as needed.

From the network tab you may view your vendor’s method of payment.

Here are the different payment status methods:

If you show “paper check” listed this means that the vendor is not registered on Viewpost and receiving check payments only.

Invite Vendor

If you show “pending registration” this means that the vendor has been invited to register and their account is pending creation.

Re-invite Vendor

If you show “pending add bank account” this means the vendor created a Viewpost account and has not yet added their bank account.

Instructions for Vendor to add bank

If you show “Pending micro deposit verification” this means the vendor manually registered their bank and they need to verify their micro deposits (bank accounts manually registered require this extra step).

Verify micro deposits

If you show “ACH” this means that the vendor has created their Viewpost account and completed setting up their bank,


If you show “pending accept terms” this means that the vendor will be enrolled in virtual credit card payments once they accept the terms.
If you show “Virtual Credit Card” that means this vendor is enrolled on virtual credit card payments.


Stages of ACH Invitation

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