What's New with QuickBooks Desktop Sync

The following improvements were implemented with our QuickBooks Desktop Sync Agent.

August 23, 2017

  1. An issue preventing the syncing of the Viewpost Fee invoice from Viewpost to QuickBooks was fixed.
  2. Messaging to users for sync errors were improved.
  3. Customer Payment receipts in Viewpost that should be applied to multiple Accounts Receivable GL accounts will display a message that these receipts will need to be posted manually to QuickBooks as this feature is not supported by QuickBooks.

August 9, 2017

  1. Syncing of Viewpost fee invoice was fixed.

July 25, 2017

  1. We now allow credit card payment receipts to sync from QuickBooks to Viewpost without a reference number for those credit card payment receipts that have the field greyed out.
  2. Messaging created for a payment receipt that cannot be synced due to fact that it is not applied to an invoice in QuickBooks.
  3. Bill total, not line items, is synced from Viewpost to QuickBooks.
  4. Messaging for sync errors was improved.
  5. Notifications will be sent for sync agents that need to be updated.

June 29, 2017

  1. The ability to connect the QuickBooks Sync agent to a QuickBooks file that has been moved or a file whose name has changed was added.
  2. A variety of performance improvements were added to the sync agent.  These improvements run in the background.

February 10, 2017

  1. The Basic View number of action buttons on the Dashboard were reduced from 4 to 2.
  2. The ability to sync receivable invoices from Viewpost to QuickBooks is now only available in Advanced Mode View.  See How Do I Change From Basic View to Advanced View?
  3. The ability to sync bills from QuickBooks to Viewpost is now only available in Advanced Mode View.  See How Do I Change From Basic View to Advanced View?

February 8, 2017

A Basic View of the sync agent is default.  The Basic View has the following changes:

  1. The number of action buttons on the Dashboard were reduced from 9 to 4.
  2. The main Dashboard action buttons are Send Payments and Send Invoices.
  3. The 5 actions represented by the buttons which were removed are now auto synced at midnight.  See the article in the Help section for more information on Auto Sync.  What is QuickBooks Desktop Auto-Sync?
  4. The user can change the view back to the former Advanced View in Settings.  See the article in the Help section for more information.
  5. All Bills synced from Viewpost to QuickBooks are now synced to a single General Ledger account in QuickBooks.  See the article in the Help Section for more information.

 November 8, 2016

An "Open Sync History" link was added in the Sync Agent Settings to navigate the user to the Sync Results files.  

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