Assisted Pay

Once a vendor has agreed to join the Virtual Credit Card program, they provide our team with instructions on how payments can be processed.

The vendor is then classified by our team in one of two payment delivery options. 

Method 1: - Vendor Direct –

  • This is a self-serve option where the vendor has agreed to received credit card payments via their own in-house email for processing. This method does not require any action from our payment support team. 


Method 2: - Assisted Pay

  • This method requires action by a Viewpost team member to process a payment. Payments via this method can be processed in three different ways. 
    • Phone call 
    • Email to an outsourced accounting department
    • Portal Pay 
      • This option requires a member from Viewpost to LOG IN to the vendor online portal to pay an invoice. 
        • On occasion, a payment portal for the vendor does already exists. In these cases, Viewpost may contact you to be granted access to the vendors portal, added as an additional user on the existing account. 


All Portal access is used for payments only, and credentials are stored in secure encrypted sites, with limited user access. 

This is a rare instance, but in case of high dollar payments, we will attempt to do what we can to capture the revenue. 

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