Virtual Card Portals

When we enroll Vendors in Virtual Card we confirm contact information, fees and limitations, business size, payment amounts, and current receipt method to determine the best processing path. 

Cards can be run two ways: 

  • Vendor Direct- We email the card number directly to someone on their A/R team who receives the card details, remittance email, and runs the card directly through their merchant service provider. They receive cards of any dollar amount and will be responsible for processing. If they do not process the card, it will be re-routed via paper check.
  • Assisted Pay- If a Vendor accept cards, but has restrictions on keeping processing information(the leading 6 digits of the card) on site, or is so large they don't process payments in house they outsource. Our Payment Operations Team will coordinate the processing of these cards on behalf of the vendor. Common processing tiers.
    • Phone call – Giving all the card information over the phone for one-time processing
    • Portal-
      • Secure website- they have created or outsourced. A Payment Operations team member logs in securely to make payments. This log in information is created by Viewpost at the time of enrollment. You may also have log in credentials to an online portal for the same vendor with more robust capabilities. Rest assured, our team has limited visibility into account information, and can only match invoices, and make payments on the invoices listed.
      • Merchant Website- A common merchant service provider website like Paypal, Stripe etc. Portal log in will be created and a Payment Operations team member will process the card.

Vendor Direct and Assisted Pay are used to process they highest number of payments in the swiftest amount of time. 

Our Payment Operations team protects your information, vendor information, and all portal information with the highest level of security, permissions, updating passwords on a recurring basis, enabling two factor where available. 

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