Independent Contractors

Reasons to Register

  • Remittance data of previous payments
  • Electronic payments with seamless deposits for some banks
    • *Not all banks are eligible for electronic payments via Viewpost, and paper check will be the only option

Steps to Register

  • You will receive an email with the subject: “Company wants to connect with you on Viewpost
  • Click on the blue box in this email that says “Join Today”
    1. If your email does not show a blue box, it is a firewall safety measure that disables images—just RIGHT click on the empty white box and select “Download image” and now you can click it
  • Click on "Create New Company"
    1. Do NOT select our Company Name or any other name it may show you
    2. Sign up as a new Company, using your first and last name as the Company Name (even though you are an individual)
  • Create a Password
    1. Must be 8-32 characters
    2. Contain at least one uppercase letter and one lowercase letter
    3. Include one number or one symbol
    4. Password tip- Try combining words that you can remember, such as Luv2eatPizza?
  • Click “Submit"
  • You will receive an email to verify your enrollment
  • Enter your physical address
  • Business Type - Select Sole Proprietor
  • Industry – choose one that is most applicable
  • Accounting Package- select if you use one or choose No Accounting System
  • The Add Bank Account page will come up
    1. Register your bank by searching for your bank name
      1. Which will prompt you to enter your User ID and Password for the bank
    2. Connect Manually
      1. Will prompt you to enter your Routing and Account number
      2. Viewpost will send you two small test deposits (may take 2-3 days to arrive)
    3. Both options will ask you for a Singer, Signature and a Tax ID number
      1. Even if you are only receiving payments, Viewpost asks for the signer on the account
      2. For Tax ID please enter your Social Security number
  • Choose how you want to secure your account
    1. Getting a code texted to your cell phone for two step verification & entering the code
    2. Answer security questions that may be asked later for account access
  • Navigate to the Network Make certain you are Connected to our company
    1. If not, please use the search box to find us and connect selecting us as your Customer
  • You are all set! You will receive an email when you are paid!

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