Mapping CSV Import Files

Column headers in your CSV export file must match Viewpost’s specified column header names exactly. We have provided you with a simple tool to help you map your headers to our required header names.  If you use our templates, the header names should be in the correct format.  However, if you use a CSV file that you created, you will need to correct the header names.

  1. Import your CSV file by using the Browse button on the specific Data Type Import page.
  2. Mark the box if your file does not have a header row.  We assume the first row is a header row and do not import data on the first row if this box is not marked.
  3. The initial import will only have a “Default Profile” in the selection drop down.  On subsequent imports, you can choose profiles that you have saved later in the process.
  4. Click “Next”.
  5. The first mapping screen contains all of the Viewpost required fields with Viewpost Columnar Header names on the left.  On the right will be a dropdown with the field contents of Row 1 of your CSV file.  Select the appropriate column in the dropdown that matches the data represented by Viewpost’s header name in the left column.  You must at least map all  “Required” fields.
  6. The subsequent screens contain optional Viewpost fields.  The file will import without these fields being mapped to columns in your file.
  7. The header names in the dropdown are the only allowable fields.  Please refer to the Data Type’s “Import Field Requirements Page” for a PDF that contains the format and definition for each field.
  8. If you have columns in your CSV that we do not support, please select “Ignore” in the dropdown.  Columns with “Ignore” will not be uploaded.
  9. After completing the mapping, you can save the Profile with a filename you create.  In the future, this filename will be available in the Import Profile Dropdown.  You can also select to make this your default profile so that it will automatically be selected for future imports.


  1. Address Book Type is either Customer or Vendor.  If you select “Customers” in the previous screen as the address book type, we will auto-populate this field with Customer for all lines.  If you select “Vendors” in the previous screen, we will auto-populate this field with Vendor for all lines.  However, if you select “Mixed” in the previous screen as the address book type, you will need to manually enter Customer or Vendor for each line to be imported; otherwise, that line will not import.
  2. Address Book ID is a necessary field if you plan to import transaction data in the future.  For example, if you plan to import invoices for customers or payments for vendors using the File Import feature, the transactions must have the same Address Book ID as the associated Customer or Vendor.  If you do not have IDs for the Customers or Vendors, you can select “This file doesn’t have Address Book IDs” and we will auto create the company IDs based on the company name.  For future transactions, you would need to use the exact same company name as originally imported (not as subsequently updated) in order for the transaction to be associated with the correct company.

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