You sent or received a payment outside of Viewpost, but your invoice still looks open.
Once you have sent the invoice you can 'Record Payment' to reflect the actual settlement. (Recording payment is not optional on an invoice that has not been sent)
To record a non-Viewpost payment from the open invoice or bill listing, click on the three lines to the right of the amount. A list of actions will appear. Select "Record Payment."
A payment screen will be displayed. Enter the details of the payment. These are for your reference only.
Click "Save Changes" to record the payment.
If you need to record payment on multiple documents, click the box on the top left to select all, or check each of the boxes that apply.
*A payment can also be recorded from the detail listing by clicking on the box to the left of the reference number and clicking on the grey arrow box that appears in the header above the balance column.
After an invoice is recorded as paid, it can be found on Viewpost with all other closed documents. Navigate to the Open Listing and click on the drop down arrow in the status filter at the top of the page (currently displaying "Open"). Select "Closed" from the drop down menu of available statuses.
Click here for payment methods descriptions.