Days Payments May Be Delayed- Honored Holidays

Payments sent on or around observed dates will experience delays in processing.

Holidays observed by the Federal Reserve and Viewpost.  

Payment processors may observe other dates. 

In Honor Of Date Federal Reserve Closed Viewpost Closed
New Year's Day 1/1/2025 X X
Birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. 1/20/2025 X X
Washington's Birthday 2/17/2025 X  
Memorial Day 5/26/2025 X X
Juneteenth  6/19/2025 X X
Independence Day 7/4/2025 X X
Labor Day 9/1/2025 X X
Columbus Day 10/13/2025 X  
Veterans Day 11/11/2025 X X
Thanksgiving Day 11/27/2025 X X
Day after Thanksgiving 11/26/2025   X
Christmas Eve 12/24/2025   X
Christmas Day  12/25/2025 X X

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