Authorization failed- how can I fix this?

Viewpost Sync for QuickBooks connects to your QuickBooks file in order to provide the data required to make a payment. QuickBooks requires that an admin for that file specifically authorizes this connection.

Reasons for failed authorization:

- The correct QuickBooks file not open during authorization.

   RESOLUTION:  Close the incorrect QuickBooks file and open the correct one and retry.

- Authorization process is cancelled.

- Authorization has been denied (selecting “No” in the QuickBooks access authorization screen).  

   RESOLUTION:  Follow steps below to access Integrated Applications in QuickBooks.  Check the box on the Access Rights tab. (You must have the QuickBooks permission rights to access this tab.)

- A non-admin was signed in to the QuickBooks file during authorization/installation.  

RESOLUTION: The QuickBooks non-admin user should log out of the QuickBooks file and have the QuickBooks admin log in to the file during authorization.

To resolve issues, open QuickBooks as an Admin user. Select Edit > Preferences from the QuickBooks menu.

Select Integrated Applications and switch to the Company Preferences tab.

Make sure that Viewpost Sync is authorized to access your QuickBooks company file. Restart Viewpost Sync for use with QuickBooks and follow the instructions on the screen.

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