Match Connected Companies During QuickBooks Online Sync Initialization

During sync initialization, all connected vendors on the Network page need to be associated with a QuickBooks Online vendor.  The name of the vendor as it appears on the Viewpost Network page will be listed in the left column.  The right column should contain the name of the vendor as it appears in QuickBooks Online.

1.  If Viewpost locates an Exact match of the Viewpost Vendor in QuickBooks Online, the box in the right column will be pre-filled automatically.  (Viewpost North America, LLC, for example, in the screen shot.).  If you want to change this pre-selection, just start typing the correct vendor name in the box.

2.  If Viewpost cannot locate an Exact match, the name of the vendor as it appears in QuickBooks Online should be typed in the box.  If a match is located on the letters typed (at least three letters), suggestions will be listed.  (Bama Adworks, for example, in the screen shot.)  Select the correct vendor from the list of suggestions.   (If the correct QuickBooks Online vendor is not suggested, check the spelling of the vendor name in QuickBooks Online and try again.)

3.  If there is no vendor in QuickBooks Online that is associated with the vendor on Viewpost, select to "Add" the vendor from the dropdown.  (Add Alabama Adworks to QuickBooks Online, for example).

After all vendors are matched, the "Link Companies" button will become BLUE.  Click on Link Companies.


The company is now able to sync payments to Viewpost from QuickBooks Online.  For additional information on changes to your Viewpost account once sync is enabled, see Help article What Happens When I First Connect My QuickBooks Online File with Viewpost?

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