After you complete the Matching screen during your initial sync with QuickBooks Online, the Sync Settings tab becomes available. To locate Sync Settings, click Sync in header then Sync Settings tab.
The default settings for current Sync Settings are:
- On - Auto Sync - Sync bills from Viewpost to QuickBooks
- Off - Auto Send Payments to Vendors
Sync Bills from Viewpost to Quickbooks - You can turn this option off and on by clicking the box.
- A check mark in box - Auto-Sync is on
- An empty box - Auto - Sync is off
The setting is effective for all bills approved after feature is turned on. For more information on Auto-Sync please read article What is Auto-Sync?
More Auto-Sync settings will be coming soon.
Auto-Send Payments to Vendors
In this section you will see the following:
- Vendor Name - The list includes connected vendors, vendors that have payments waiting for sync confirmation, and vendors that have been sent a payment though sync in the past.
- Exclude from Sync - Click on this box to enter a check mark. When a check mark is present, payments to that vendor will not sync to Viewpost from QuickBooks Online; therefore, payments for this vendor will not Auto-Send or be listed on the payment confirmation page.
- Auto-Send - Clicking the toggle will turn Auto-Send on and off for the vendor. If the toggle is blue it is turned on.
For more information on Auto-Send What is Auto-Send Payments and How Does It Work?
Other information on page
The name of the QuickBooks Online company you are currently connected with is listed under connection status.
Who has permission to make changes?
Read article What Viewpost permissions are required for QuickBooks Online Sync? to learn who can make change to sync settings.