Have Multiple Accounts?

Viewpost supports Multiple Companies and Multiple Accounts.

How do you decide which is right for you? 

Follow the instructions below if: 

  • One of your trading partners bills you on multiple accounts (and they have this specialized feature turned on)
  • Your businesses share the same trade name or simply have multiple locations
  • Your bills/invoices/payments for all locations are usually combined, and you want to see them that way
  • You are a single company sharing trading partners/network
  • Set up one level of permissions and add one bank account

Follow this link for instructions on how to set up Multiple Companies if:

  • You own separate businesses and file separate tax returns
  • You use separate bank accounts per company
  • Keep your bills/invoices/payments separated by company
  • Distinguish trading partners/networks per company
  • Set up permissions distinct to each company



  • Operate your company with a single Viewpost account
  • See all your accounts for a trading partner in one view
  • Use a single or multiple accounts to pay invoices

1) Click on the Network TabOne_to_many_1.JPG

2) Select the company you know is enabled for this feature, that you have multiple accounts with


3) Select 'Connect Accounts' or 'Review and Connect' One_to_Many_3.jpg

 4) Select 'Connect Accounts' to Enter your Account ID


Or Select 'Review and Connect'


You may add a Nickname to each account to distinguish them



5) When the subsequent accounts have been connected, you will be able to view your bills differentiated by 'Account Number'.



Have Multiple Companies?

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